Welcome to the Old Glory Insurance League Blog

This blog is for the members of the Old Glory Insurance League! Since the season is over this will let us continue our league and smack talk as we head into the offseason and prepare for next year!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Hello League,
Well, let's get right down to it. My picks for the Super Bowl-- I think that the Colts will find a way to beat the Saints (42 to 38). I have to point out that the Saints almost lost their last game. Think about it, the Vikings were turning the ball over constantly, yet Favre and the Fumbling Fools stayed in the game 'till the last play in O.T. So, I think that Peyton Manning will be able to follow through and deliver a big win for the Indianappolis organization. Sorry to the Whodat nation, but there is definitely and undoubtedly an upside to both of these franchises.
Blog soon,

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